privacyIDEA at Grazer Linuxtage and LinuxFest Northwest

End of April we will attend two conferences to present the interesting possibilities of privacyIDEA to the world.

Grazer Linuxtage, Graz – Austria

Grazer Linuxtage, CC-BY

At the Grazer Linuxtage Friedrich will give a talk about how privacyIDEA can be an alternative for classical, proprietary two factor solutions like RSA SecurID, Vasco or Safeword. Friedrich will give the talk on April 28th. privacyIDEA allows for several possibilies to run a smooth migration from the old 2FA system to privacyIDEA. Just lately we added support for the VASCO tokens which can help in migration scenarios. The forwarding policy allows to forward authentication requests to other authentication systems, as long as the user’s authentication device is not managed within privacyIDEA.

There will be also a workshop, so that technical guys and administrators can join in and see and experience first hand the vast possibilities in two factor authentication you get with privacyIDEA.

LinuxFest Northwest, Bellingham – U.S.A.

LinuxFest NorthWest

Cornelius will give a talk about privacyIDEA at the LinuxFest Northwest in Bellingham, U.S.A. A while ago the Event Handler was added to privacyIDEA. The Event Handler Framework is a flexible, configurable system that allows the administrator to change the behaviour of privacyIDEA in a most flexible way. The interesting thing is, that many aspects of privacyIDEA can be combined and changed, what we even do not know of, yet.

This is achieved by providing modules, that create new actions. The administrator can define, which module-action should be triggered under which condition on what event. Currently there are modules for notification, token handling, counter settings, script handling and federations between privacyIDEA instances. New modules can be added easily. This flexibility allows for “features”, which we did not implement and did never think of. You are the wizard of your own privacyIDEA installation.

This is why we are saying “successful authentication is a matter of smooth workflows!”. This is what the talk at LinuxFest NorthWest will be about!

Get involved!

If you want to get involved, go and listen to one of these talks! Or star and follow the Github Repository or join the privacyIDEA discussion.

Start the discussion at