Monthly Archives: May 2016

5 posts

privacyIDEA 2.12 released. Event Handler, Certificates, PKCS12 / PKCS11 and much more…

Today we released privacyIDEA 2.12. Certificates and Hardware Security Modules The certificate handling in privacyIDEA was improved. Administrators can now enroll a certificate token for a user and also generate the RSA key pair. Users can download the certificate and the private key as a PKCS12/PFX container. This is useful […]

Bug in passOnNoUser policy allows arbitrary authentication

A bug in the passOnNoUser policy allows authentication with an arbitrary password. Affected version: up to privacyIDEA 2.11.2 Propability: Medium Security Severity: High Technical Background The passOnNoUser policy is supposed to check if an authenticating user exists. If the user exists, normal authentication is performed. If the user does not exist in the user […]