New release privacyIDEA 1.1

Today privacyIDEA 1.1 was released.

You can get it at pypi or github tag v1.1.

The changes are in documentation and usability to make it easier for you to get started:

  • Added documentation and UI-context-help. In many dialogs we added a small question-mark icon that will take you directly to the online-help, where this dialog or topic is explained. If you are missing anything in this documentation please drop us a note.
  • Fixed the token config to be filled with sensible data, so that you do not need to configure ALL token types. This was annoying: If you only wanted to configure your SMS provider you also needed to fill out the forms for RADIUS token, REMOTE token and all other stuff. This is gone, now!
  • Added script to clean up old audit logs. In fact this script is just the sqlaudit module. Call it at the command line and you can clean your logs with a high and low watermark. You can find more information in the documentation.

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