
85 posts

privacyIDEA 2.0 released

Today we released privacyIDEA 2.0. privacyIDEA 2.0 is a migration and rewrite to Flask and AngularJS. The old privacyIDEA was based on the pylons web framework, which was not actively maintained for a while anymore, which also lead to some version conflicts. Using Flask now makes privacyIDEA a lightweight installation […]

Version 2 in master branch

The migration process is well. Today I merged the version2 branch to the master branch. So go an visit the github repo. Check out privacyIDEA 2.0(dev) like this: git clone https://github.com/privacyidea/privacyidea.git cd privacyidea virtualenv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt ./manage.py createdb ./manage.py addadmin admin@localhost admin ./manage.py runserver If […]

Migration phase

Hi, at the moment we are not producing so much code as you might have realized on github. privacyIDEA is still based on pylons, which is a rather old python framework and which is not actively developed anymore. Therefor, at the moment I am investigating new possibilities where to migrate […]

privacyIDEA 1.3.2 released

Today we released privacyIDEA 1.3.2. Get it via pypi, github or launchpad. These new features where introduced: Add uwsgi and nginx configuration. Add nginx ubuntu package. Add ubuntu meta packages to easily install radius dependencies. Add package for appliance Add privacyidea-otrs and remove the authmodules from the core package Thus […]